American Revolution (DK Eyewitness Books) by Stuart Murray
George vs George by Rosalyn Schanzer
House Mouse, Senate Mouse by Cheryl Shaw Barnes, Peter W. Barnes
If You Lived in Colonial Times by Ann McGovern
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution by Elizabeth Levy
John, Paul, George, & Ben by Lane Smith
Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Shh, We’re Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz
The Bill of Rights by Christine Taylor-Butler
The Congress of the United States by Christine Taylor-Butler
The Constitution of the United States – by Christine Taylor-Butler
The Declaration of Independence by Elaine Landau
The Presidency by Christine Taylor-Butler
The Supreme Court – Christine TFodor’s Around Washington, DC with Kids
Very Washington DC: A Celebration of the History and Culture of America’s Capitol City by Diana Hollingsworth Gessler
N is for Our Nation’s Capital: A Washington DC Alphabet by Roland Smith, Marie Smith, and Barbara Gibson
What’s in Washington, DC by Laine Falk
The US Constitution and You – Syl Sobel
We the Kids by David Catrow
A History of US - the New Nation 1789-1850 by Joy Hakim
Why We Fought - Soldiers of the Revolutionary War by Patrick Catel
Yankee Doodle America, The Spirit of 1776 by Wendell Minor
A History of US - the New Nation 1789-1850 by Joy Hakim
Why We Fought - Soldiers of the Revolutionary War by Patrick Catel
Yankee Doodle America, The Spirit of 1776 by Wendell Minor
Fodor’s Around Washington, DC with Kids